Wednesday 8 October 2014

Dallas Ebola Patient Dies From Disease

According to health officials, Dallas Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan died Wednesday morning at 7:51 am.Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas, where Duncan was being treated, released the following statement:
“Mr. Duncan succumbed to an insidious disease, Ebola. He fought courageously in this battle. Our professionals, the doctors and nurses in the unit, as well as the entire Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas community, are also grieving his passing. We have offered the family our support and condolences at this difficult time.“...
Duncan left his home country of Liberia on September 19, 2014 and arrived in the United States on September 20th with no virus symptoms.He initially went to the hospital after 10 p.m. on Thursday, September 25, but presented no flu or other contagious virus symptoms and was given antibiotics and released.
Duncan’s condition deteriorated and by Sunday, September 28 was so bad that he was transported back to the hospital by ambulance.Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital officials confirmed that Duncan had been receiving the experimental “medication brincidofovir for treatment of Ebola virus disease” since Saturday October 4th.Health officials said they have seen no indication that the virus has spread among the 10, or 38 other people identified in the Dallas Ebola contact group.The work to contain the virus depends upon adequate monitoring of all identified in Duncan’s contact group.State and city officials continue reiterating that Ebola isn’t easily contracted. The virus isn’t airborne and isn’t as highly contagious as influenza, a cold or measles. A person must come in direct contact with the bodily fluids of a person who is infectious. Those fluids would include blood, vomit, urine, semen or saliva.

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