Thursday, 7 May 2015

Your Burden Is My Burden - Afikpo Chic (Maria Ude Nwachi)

NEPA UPDATE: Nde mnwo yaa nde nwom ni mma mma nu. The issue of perpetual darkness in Ehugbo gives me sleepless nights. Some weeks back, I gave Nepa funds for the up-tenth time to fix whatever the problem is and give us light but that light only lasted for a day, to my utmost dismay.

Luckily for us, I am in Government today thanks to your collective efforts. I will look into things legislatively and otherwise. This is both a governmental matter and a matter of me going out there and doing what I must do to make sure that this despicable darkness in Afikpo becomes story.

From my inquiries and investigation; there is a Switch Yard being constructed now in Govt College area that will help make things easier. Ehugbo is currently running on 33 kva, with the switch yard, it will be stepped down to 11 kva, which will in turn distribute to Ehugbo.

And from now on, we will not be using the old line of Abakaliki to Ehugbo, rather it will be via Ezillo/Agba/Okposi to Ehugbo. This is a very good news for us. As there is always a problem with the old line in distributing light to us. A senior staff of Nepa assured whom I complained bitterly to on how my people are severely suffering over this unkind blackouts assured me that light will be restored certainly by next week. Let us believe him because he lives here in Ehugbo and is suffering the same we are all suffering.

Imagine my own condition, I just came out of an election, where I spent all I had, being that I was my sole sponsor. I am yet to recover, I am still very broke, but everyday I must buy fuel for my gens. Money I should be using for something more important is being used to waste on fuel with no succor of any type from Nepa. Even 3 hours of Nepa a day will go along with but this one be say no nothing, nada, zip. Then I cannot imagine what my people are suffering under these heavy darkness that has befallen us again. This will only make people poorer and businesses unprofitable. This is a travesty but trust me, this all will soon be story story that we will tell our unborn children. Maria is in Government now. That says it all.

Extra Extra: I am on my own working on something to bring constant light to us independent of Nepa. This is not beans, I have the investors already and they will be arriving Nigeria later this year. I will shed more light on this later. Light and water is life and it should be constant. Soon the Egyptians you see today you will see no more soon. Lamentations to Psalms is our portion. Maria is now in Government, hellooooooooooooo.

Dear Sweetest Afikpo People, have patience. Egu nwo nchekwube a ka egbutugu madu. (Hunger that has hope has never killed anyone). I made history in so many fronts in Nigeria because you defied the norm and massively elected me under a party with zero structure in my state. I had no help, no sponsor, no nothing but you made me a hero. It is now you will know the meaning of YOUR BURDEN IS MY BURDEN. That phrase is going into super action in a gigantic historic way come 1st week of June when I officially resume office.

Ehugbo Chineke teri manu, do you know that I am the richest woman on earth, thanks to you? I am rich beyond currency. I am the richest because you did for me what money cannot buy. You stood your ground and said, it must be Maria, if you like give us billion billion, we want Maria. Well you have your Maria and Maria is going to serve you beyond human understanding.

I am going to delay all self-gratifications to work and work and work for you. It is all about you. If you hear kpom on the ground, I am building it for you. If you hear noise, the noise is for you. If you hear kpikim, it is for you. I am a vessel for what God has in mind for you. A willing vessel. A happy one. God please use me to reduce the burden of my people to the barest minimum. Use me to uplift the forgotten, the downtrodden and the poorest of the poor. And so shall it be.

In the law of nature: Whenever you make up your mind to serve, the entire elements of the universe will conspire to assist you. I have made up my mind to serve you and beyond. I will succeed because the entire universe have already conspired to make sure I do not fail. I will succeed. I have no excuse not to.

Yours sincerely,
Maria - Afikpo Chic.


  1. God will guide u afikpo,,my mentors n teacher school they....I know d ehuigbo compound....hmmm,,ama strong visitor of mbgom

  2. Hmm I pray that God we give you de wisdom and power to cari on this job this is what we won't to hear good one frm you


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