Saturday 20 December 2014

What my big bum has put me through – Didi Ekanem

Didi Ekanem is one of the fast rising actresses in Nollywood. Her bum marks her out, but Didi wants to be recognised for her talent on screen rather than for her bum. In this exclusive interview, she talks about her career, life and more: It’s been awesome, interesting and crazy at the same time. Let’s just say I am having fun all the way.

What do you mean crazy?
Crazy in the sense of challenges you have to face...

What challenges are you facing?
Challenges in the true sense of the word, like not really having producers believing in you and of course, you know yourself, you know you have the talent but the producer doesn’t see it your way. As an actress I have had to go the extra mile, not in the negative sense, to make people see beyond the looks and see deep into the beautiful talent within. I thank God I have gone beyond that now.

How many movies have you done this year?
This year I’ve done over seven movies. First of all, there was Jump and Pass which came out two months ago or last month. I also did Dining with the Devil and Akan. I just finished Journey to the Dreamland with IK Ogbonna and True to Love with Kalu Ikeagwu . I can’t remember the rest off hand right now.

What’s the first thing you look out for in a script?
Before, what I used to look out for was how many scenes I was going to do but right now when I get a script, the first thing I look out for is the story. I just quickly go through the story and then after the story, I go to my character to know whether my character is challenging or not

What can you or cannot do in interpreting a role?
First of all, my job is to act. So, I am supposed to be able to play every character. I can do a sex scene but of course, you know that it’s not like you’re going to have sex for real, probably just take off some part of your clothing and just act it. As an actor, I have to play every role; I can do a sex scene. I can play as a lesbian, in fact I have a movie that I played as a lesbian and I played it so well

What movie was that?
Crazy Girls and I played it very well.

Did you kiss somebody in it?
Yes of course, I did everything a lesbian would do. That’s me being an actor.

Can you let a guy grab your bum in a movie?
Of course, in Jump and Pass, a guy tapped my ass. If it has to be real, there’s nothing there, it’s just grabbing my bum.

How do you feel having one of the biggest bums in Nollywood?
It’s a good feeling and a wonderful one. But I won’t lie to you, as much as I love it so much, I just wish people would focus more on my talent than my bum. All the concentration out there is on my bum not my talent. I would honestly wish people to see me as a talented actress not a sexy one. But my bum is not allowing people to see me deep down, to see the person and the talent.

Seriously, is your bum natural?
People always say this whenever they see my bum. Last time I was on Linda Ikeji, I read comments people made and there were more questions whether my bum was real or worked on. Some said it is made of plastic but you are here now and can see there is no artificial embellishment or augmentation. My bum is real, it’s like 101% real, I was born this way, I was born like this. I’ve had it since I was in JS1, in fact that was when I started noticing it.

That’s when you started noticing how big it is?
Exactly, and It’s been like this. Then I never loved it, if I have to tell you the things that I’ve gone through because of my mum, you won’t believe me

What’s the craziest thing somebody has done to you on its account?
Craziest thing? A mad man actually grabbed my bum in public, while walking on the road. That’s like the craziest thing, what else can possibly be crazier than that? I was just passing, I wanted to get something and next thing, he just walked up to me and grabbed my bum from behind. When I turned, he was still holding it like a mad man and I screamed, I ran, left my shoes and everything. People just stood there and they were just laughing

It seems you like showing it off on Instagram, can you do a twerking video or ‘shaking your thing video?
I haven’t actually thought of that, although I have my twerking videos but I just feel that they are for me alone, they are personal, and I don’t have to put them on Instagram. Of course, when I take a good picture that shows my bum, I’ll put it on Instagram; they can see all of that, me posing in pictures and all that

There’s a belief that girls with big bums are usually more sexually active than girls with big boobs, is it true?
I will speak for myself, because I feel girls with big bums are usually very lazy in bed, but for me I’m very active, so, I’ll just speak for myself. I’m very flexible with my bum.

You are very flexible with your bum?
Of course, I use it very well
How often do you feel people should be having sex?
As many times as you want; if you want to have it 100 times a day, good for you

You encourage it, you love it?
Who doesn’t love sex? I’m not going to sit here and tell you I don’t like sex. Everybody loves sex; it is just natural so I’m not going to pretend I don’t like it. For me, I’m a very busy person so I don’t have that time to even enjoy it as much as I should or have it as much as I should.

But you still enjoy it when you have it?
Of course, anytime I have the time for it, of course, I do

What’s your favorite sexual position?
Every position goes, as long as I can feel what I want to feel at that point in time. Every position is fine.

What makes you horny or turns you on?
Basically, that would only depend on how sexually attractive the guy looks. I guess that’s the only thing that can turn me on

Can you wear something very skimpy in a movie?
I love it. Anything skimpy, I would rock it perfectly

Can you strip in a movie?
Of course, I told you as an actor I would do anything but that doesn’t mean that I’m desperate for stardom or anything, it’s just me being an actor. I am meant to do everything, I’m not meant to be stereotyped

Culled from Vanguard

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