Tuesday 4 November 2014

Shocking Video Shows ISIS Fighters at Slave Girl 'Market' Bartering for Young Women

An unsettling video has emerged purporting to show Islamic State fighters bartering over Yazidi women at a slave girl 'market'.The terror organisation recently boasted of enslaving women from the Iraqi ethnic minority, and the men appearing in the clip explain it is 'slave market day'. The clip shows the men negotiating the price of the women, with blue and green-eyed young girls fetching a higher price.It starts with one man saying to the camera: 'Today is the slave market day. Today is the day where this verse applies: 'Except with their wives and the (captives) whom their right hands possess, - for (then) they are not too be blamed'.

He added: 'Today is distribution day God willing. Each one takes his share.'
Another then says: 'I swear man I am searching for a girl. I hope I find one.'

The men laugh and another says: 'Today is the day of (female) slaves and we should have our share.'
Bartering begins after a seller is found, who says he is happy to sell his slave for a Glock pistol.
Sellers offer prices, with one going as high as five banknotes. Subtitles on the clip explain that one banknote is probably the equivalent of 100 dollars.

                       But the buyers explain the price they are willing to pay depends on looks and they will need to verify the girl is to their liking.

One says he would need to check the teeth of the 15-year-old being auctioned, and explains: 'If she doesn't have teeth, why would I want her?'

The video was shot in Mosul, Iraq's second largest city, which was seized by ISIS in June, according to Al Aan TV - who translated the clip into English. The group have been reported as saying that Yazidi women and children captured during the offensive in Sinjar town were divided among fighters 'according to sharia law'.

Dailymail reports that last month, a young Yazidi woman forced into sex slavery by the Islamic State claimed militants raped her 30 times in just a few hours.

The unidentified woman is understood to have been kept as a prisoner of the jihadists somewhere in western Iraq having been captured by ISIS during the Sinjar massacre in early August. She allegedly told the fighters she had been raped so frequently that she could no longer use the toilet, adding the ordeal has been so harrowing that she plans to commit suicide even if freed.

And a 15-year-old girl told how she escaped militants by drugging and shooting two husbands who bought her as a slave. The teenager, who has been kept anonymous to protect her family, was one of hundreds of women from the Yazidi sect who extremists kidnapped after overrunning their homes on Iraq's Mount Sinjar. The UN have confirmed that thousands of Yazidis were slaughtered when ISIS swept through northern Iraq in August. Researchers concluded that more than 5,000 Yazidi were gunned down in a series of massacres by jihadists.

Thousands of women are also being held in makeshift detention centres, where they either been taken away and sold into slavery or handed over to jihadists as concubines.

source: daily mail

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