Thursday 12 February 2015

Nigeria Military Is An Embarrassment-Buhari

Gen Muhammadu Buhari says misappropriation of funds provided by government for the fight against Boko Haram is the reason for the military’s inability to defeat the insurgents while also calling its current state embarrassing.In an interview with CNN network, Buhari said the National Assembly to the presidency is at fault for the inability to fight Boko HaramBuhari is quoted by Leadership saying: “The National Assembly attempted to do a hearing by getting the budgets approved by the National Assembly over three years, and inviting the service chiefs on why the weapons were not procured and sent to the soldiers under competent leadership, and that hearing was scuttled.“In short, the misappropriation of funds provided by the government for the military was why the military was unable to defeat Boko Haram.’’ Buhari recalled how the Nigerian military had an international reputation for its effectiveness, and added that it was a great embarrassment to the military that it had not been able to secure the Nigerian territory.“We know how Boko Haram started, and certainly Nigerian military has reputation internationally for its effectiveness. It is a great embarrassment to them and to Nigeria as a country that they have not been able to secure the Nigerian territory in 14 local governments out of 774 local governments.“I believe this problem will not be too difficult for APC government because we know that Nigeria military is competent, but it is a matter of making sure that money for the cause of fighting Boko Haram is properly utilized.’’Expressing his thoughts on postponement of elections date, he expressed disappointment as INEC had declared its readiness for the exercise and the date they fixed a year ago.“For INEC to be forced virtually by the military that they cannot guarantee the safety of their workers, they have to concede to the demand of the military of additional six weeks.On corruption, he said: “Corruption is a serious case; unless Nigeria kills corruption, corruption will kill Nigeria, and that was illustrated by another hearing by the National Assembly on pension funds, the power sector (electricity), and then corruption in the petroleum industry on which the country depends for over 90 per cent of its revenue.“The National Assembly conducted the hearing in Abuja and in the six geo-political zones in the country, took the recommendations to the executive and it has been there for the past 18 months’’.During the same interview Buhari gave his thought on comments made by Former President Olusegun Obasanjo endorsing his campaign to be the next president of Nigeria.

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