Wednesday 26 November 2014

EXCLUSIVE: I Will Break Jinxes as a legislator – Maria Ude Nwachi

"...when you are rich and is doing well, and everybody around you is not doing well, and you can't lift a finger to upgrade others around you, you are a very very poor man as far as I am concerned" -Nwachi.

Her name is Maria Ude Nwachi, she is popularly known as Afikpo Chic or Nwanyi Afikpo and is gunning for Ebonyi State House of Assembly seat as representative of Afikpo North-east Constituency. In this interview with Michael Igwe, she promises to start a lot of good things in Nigeria that no legislator has done in the past.
Q: What is your motivation for plunging yourself into what many people have come to describe as the murky waters of Nigerian politics?

A: I want to do something different. I want to lead by example. I want to do and achieve what that political post is meant to achieve, because it was made for a reason. Indeed, I want to do more than is expected of me to do. Let me use my area to explain myself better. Here once politicians get into political office, or are made something in government, the first thing they do is to start a personal building project. And the building project will consume so much of their resources that they can no longer possibly do what they were elected to do for the people. They start buying lands, they start building houses, and they start buying cars. That is what most of them do. Almost 100% of them basically do that. So I want to break that jinx. I want to be the first person to break this particular jinx.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that a man or woman should not build a house for himself and his family when the are elected to a political post. But instead of building four and five, just build one reasonable one because you are meant to serve the people and not necessarily yourself. It is not your personal money. You should not with a straight face use money earmarked for your constituency to only cater for yourself and family. It is very very obscene. I cannot try such, shame cannot even allow me to try such. When I built my structure in Afikpo, called, Maria Island resort, I built it as beautiful, decadent and as opulence as possible because I was using my personal money. I lavished money on the structure like tomorrow was coming to an end. Again it was my prerogative because I was doing it with my personal money. But when you are serving the public, you build something reasonable and then use the rest to serve the people. You should not spend the people’s money as if it were your own.
So, I want to do something different in Nigeria, I want to enter the State Assembly to look after my constituency and then also to look after all the other constituencies in my state. And I am going to do it. That’s what I am about to do, which means that I will have to inconvenience myself financially just to make sure the populace is feeling the vibes of good selfless leadership.
Q: This means you are a courageous woman, especially to join politics in Nigeria. What is the source of your strength?
A: The strength is, honestly speaking, my people, Afikpo people. Whenever I go home and see the sufferings of some of my people, I am always pained and ready to give them all I have to see if it could assuage their pains a little. Do you know that I can get home with, may be two million Naira, and that once I step out into the street to greet them, [I love greeting my people, I can greet endlessly lol.] I will begin to share that money – five hundred to this person, two hundred to the other; one thousand, 5000 thousand or more to another – until that money finishes. Then I will have nothing left in my hand. Sometimes I will end up looking for people to get money from to go back to where I was coming from. It is my daily life in Afikpo. If I leave my house with any amount of money, I am not coming back with a naira. This is because it gives me the greatest joy on earth to see smiles on people especially on the faces of my own people. I give to both the haves and have-not. My giving is just to share what God blesses me constantly with all the time with others. And I know the money will surely solve something big for some of them. And when I see hardship written on the faces of some of my people I cannot help but act. If you see the hardship some face in Nigeria, and you are like me, you will want to do something about it. That is my motivation factor.
Unfortunately, in this country, many people you see serving in public offices, what they do is to take that money alone. That will not be the case with me. So, I want to do something different; I want to show Nigerians how serving your people should be done. That is how it is done in responsible societies, where ordinary people are not left to walk around in agony. I want to do that here; I want it done down here in Nigeria. We can’t be copying what is good stuff just for personal aggrandizement. We need to copy good stuffs from there for the benefit of all because when you are rich and is doing well, and everybody around you is not doing well, and you can't lift a finger to upgrade others around you, you are a very very poor man as far as I am concerned.
Q: You think your people trust you enough to vote for you?
A: My people already know me. They know me very well that I do not even need to tell you about myself. Go to Afikpo and ask anybody about Maria, and they will tell you themselves; they know me. They know that there is nothing I like in this life than seeing happiness on the faces of other human beings. They know that I so much love them and they so much love me. There are things I get away with in that Afikpo that nobody will get away with because of the honour they give me. Once they hear that it is Maria, they will let go because they know I love them and know how much I sacrifice for them. They know that I will do anything to see happiness on their faces. My people already know that if I am given the opportunity to do something for them with government backing that I will do it well. Go and ask even someone that might not like me personally and they will tell you to “leave it for Maria”. Because they know that with Maria, their Ezenwanyi, who does not joke with them, sufferings will drastically reduce. Is it possible that there will be no light for more than 2 days much more, more than 1 month in Afikpo if Maria is in any elective post? Imposicant. If I cannot solve it in my capacity as an elected official, I will use my own money and handle it instantly. I have no respect for money, that one has been established since I was born and my people, the people of Afikpo, can bear me witness on it.
Q: If you are saying all these things about your people, what do you expect from them as the clock of elections begins to toll?
A: All that I expect from my people is to have faith; to be steadfast; and to believe in me. I will not fail them. They already know and they are talking about it already in Afikpo that if Maria is going in that this will happen and that will happen. They already know that I am going to exceed their expectations; that I will bring goodness to the name Afikpo and Ebonyi State. I have to take care of the entire Ebonyi State. When I am there, nobody is going to be saying that this woman; Afikpo Chic, is doing this or that. They will be saying that Ndi Afikpo are doing this and that. So, they should just be patient with me. My people should not get jealous when I also start taking care of people in other constituencies in Ebonyi state, because if I have it in me to take care of my own people even when I was not in Government, then they should know that, giving is in my nature. It is in my blood. I must be allowed to share my goodness to all around me. Of course my Afikpo North East constituency will get the lion share because they are my Okpara, but I will also do some things for their younger brother, Afikpo North West constituency, and then touch the lives of those in other constituencies in the state. There is love and greatness in sharing. Sharing does not impoverish. Rather it enriches and sweetens life.
Q: You know one of the problems in Nigeria is not that there are no well-meaning people wanting to make the difference; not that that we don’t have people who would want to make the difference. But Nigerian politics has a way of sucking in good people that once they get there they become corrupt and join the looting. How would you overcome this?
A: What I will tell you is this, if I make 10 naira, about two to three naira will go to me. The rest will go to the people. I will never use the money meant to take care of my people and take care of the community to enrich myself and to enjoy life. Whatever I bring, I am bringing it to the people in a way they have never, ever experienced it before. This might really be the first time somebody will tell his/her people this is how much we have made, this is how much I am taking and this is how much for you. I am going to be the first person to break that jinx. That is all I can say on this issue.
Q: But with this kind of passion you want to bring into governance, have ever considered the fact that it would affect your own personal business?
A: No, because my personal businesses are structured to run on their own. I have a lot of workers, I will still be overseeing them. You know I am into news, I am into the media, my image making/Public Relations venture will not be affected because I have already put structures in place that even if I die today, they will continue to run.
Even now, my workers are there working away. They know the directive; they know the direction; and they are doing everything good. I come in and see what they are doing and I am happy with what they are doing. One man cannot run a business anyway. So even if I die today the business can continue, and it will not affected what we are doing.
Now, this media thing that I am doing is very important. The big needs it, the small needs it, Nigeria needs it, and everybody needs it. My brand of Public Relation work is very unique in Nigeria. My iconic brand of Media Image management is not practiced by anybody in Nigeria except me. So that is not going to go away just like that. Most of the things I do there is from my brain so you don’t need to go to Cameroon to get it. It is something that is already there, all I have to do is to put it into writing, and it is done. So legislating won’t affect some of my unique services. Because it is needed. And my state will even need it of which I will be honored to provide.
And when it comes to news dissemination, it is needed by all. I have 10s of workers pumping out news to all and sundry every second free of charge to all. I created the foremost FB news page, Ndi Igbo page, in 2009 when fb was just coming of age in Nigeria. And I own the most active group in Nigeria, Igboist. These are all manned by paid admns. They are doing great, I just supervise these days, I have trained them on what to do and they are doing great, these days I do not even do the hiring it is the existing workers that hire and train because they already know what is what. We have Afikpo Chic Blog, Afikpo Chic Times, which is also a physical paper and others. All manned by my editors. Media runs in my vein, I started my 1st news website in America in 1992. Then there was nothing called blog or FB. And my 1st image making job was with Jeb Bush in a hotly contested Guber race in Florida, I put my think faculties at work. He won that race. It was by whiskers but a win is a win. So my legislating will not be affected in anyway by media ventures overseen by me. These are essential services needed by all.
Q: Have you also considered the fact that in Nigeria politicians receive lots of knocks and when one is a woman it could get worse? Have you started receiving some of these knocks, and if you have how have you been handling it?
A: Nigerian politicians deserve the knocks they get. Because many of them are callous and uncaring towards those they are suppose to look after. There is no where on earth where goodness is not appreciated. No where. If you serve well, you will be appreciated and you will not get knocks. Simple as ABC. Whatever knocks I will get will happen before I become a legislator, because some, especially those that do not know my antecedents might have doubts about my intention or my capability. But once I get in and start working and doing what the post was created for, even a sadist will give me kudos. I assure you that there is not one person in Afikpo that does not know that I will make the best legislator in Nigeria. Because they believe that if I can share my personal resources the way I do, if given a chance to serve them and bring goodness to them, I will overdo. AND THEY ARE RIGHT.
Still on knocks. No one one will wake up and start giving knocks to something good. The days when Nigerians were hoodwinked by sweet talking men venturing into politics is over and done with. NEVER AGAIN. The populace will only show love now to someone with good antecedents, not hearsay and not sweet talkie talkie. Igboland has witnessed these sugar tongued politicians who was shown agape love only to be royally beaten by them in the end. In the end those that was loved just because of their oral prowess and hearsay turned out to be monumental errors in judgement and Igboland is left gnashing her teeth. Because of this, you will never see Igbo people show undue love to anyone that calls himself a politician. They will only show you love based on your antecedents. Your way of life, what you did before the world politics even entered your medula.
How many are giving knocks to Uchechukwu Sampson Ogah? He is an Abia Guber candidate. He is the type that is born once in generations. A kindhearted benevolent rarity. A humanist extraordinaire. This is a man that have said to Abians, 7 days after I'm sworn in, I will bring in the best construction company to the state to start work in the state. And going by his antecedents, that is exactly how it will go. The man guides his reputation so jealously. He does not say what he will not do. He too shame, he cannot do anything that will bring shame and ignominy to his person. Never. When it comes to giving, dashing and benevolence, putting smiles in people faces and more, he is the CHAIRMAN OF ALL CHAIRMEN in this department. He is single handedly building the largest multiple industries in Igboland, located in the state of Abia. He builds mansions and dashes to the havenots, he buys cars and gifts so many people constantly. Uncountable people are in school today because of him. And so many other things that cannot be said in one day. He recently handed ABSU a billion naira world class auditorium. And what I love about his person the most is that he looks down on no one. He treats all and sundry with respect and dignity. He is excessively loved by almost everyone in Abia, and this is the man they overwhelmingly want as a Governor but because he is not yet the incumbent's anointed, Abia might miss this goldmine coming to them but nothing is impossible for God to do when it is his will. USO is the only aspirant I can vouch for today in Nigerian polity. Because what he has done and does daily is there for all to see. We hope that God will touch TA's heart and he will break a jinx and give Abians the opportunity to elect their choice. There is no one that will beat USO in a free and fair election in Abia state. This is not about Abia state, this is about Igboland. If this young pragmatic man is elected in Abia, Igboland will see an unprecedented improvement. This man will turn Aba to what it should be, the Japan of Africa, which will inturn make Igboland the envy of other regions. May God's will be done on this.
Q: How do you handle undue attacks common towards female achievers and And what is your advise for women in general?
It encourages me because it makes me want to succeed. That is why I so much believe in the American maxim says; success is the best revenge. One thing is certain, if you are a woman, you should be smarter than normal. As a woman you should always double your efforts, and it is all for your own good you are not doing anyone a favor because this is a man’s world. So if you are a woman you have to carve a lot of niche that no one else knows that no one else does. Don’t listen to side-talk because it won’t do you any good. Keep your eyes on the balls and do not relent. Defer to man and woman but fear none. Show regards to all and always give men extra respect please. It takes nothing away from you but actually adds to you and it will also help you to achieve more in peace. When you are a woman in a man's world, activate your brain & reload your game. Try and get into fields that mostly men venture in and then put your own spin to it. If men stand 10 hours to do that job, stand that 10 hours and even more to get that job done better than normal. If you want to see the kind of money men see, or even a fraction of it, amplify your brain, be humble and work hard. That is the only way. There is no alternative to handwork, NONE. It has yet to be invented.
Q: Do you have a godfather?
A: I do not have a godfather. Afikpo populace is my godfather. And to me that is the most powerful godfather anyone can have. I am working hard to get elected. I am leaving nothing to chances and I am certainly not taking my popularity for granted by doing less than other aspirants. Again, the populace is my godfather.
Q: Are your family in support of your ambition?
A: In case you do not know I am an orphan, my dad passed away when I was about 2 years old and I lost my sweet mom when I was 13. But I am sure if they were alive, they will surely be very supportive knowing what their daughter can do. My mother, whom, I took so much after, would have been elated and would have supported with all she has. My husband, Azubuike Nwachi, who is my number 1 fan and does not doubt my capabilities, cannot wait to see me up there. My son, Okochi, supports whatever mommy does as long as I can let him watch his cartoons, lol. My younger sisters have been highly supportive and wish me nothing but the best.
Q: PDP cleared you as an aspirant to run for the party’s ticket. How did it feel?
A: It was a very stressful exercise; very stressful, but I was very happy the way it ended. I was happy that at the end of the day the PDP cleared me to run for the state house of assembly which is a very big honour. Some of us that has no Godfather came with the mind that there could be one form of conspiracy theory or the other. I am very happy. It encourages me to fight on knowing that the God of Afikpo is with me. I will use this opportunity to perform that which no legislature has done in Nigeria, either at the national or state level. I will do more than ever expected of me; I will be as selfless as they come because I have been greatly honored. I will not fail God nor man. I will do even the impossible to put smiles on the faces of the people of Afikpo and Ebonyi State in general. This is not only about Afikpo constituency; the whole of Ebonyi constituency is going to be my constituency. That is what I planned on doing, no one does this in Nigeria, but I am going to do it. I believe that enough money comes into the coffers of a legislature that should be able to help as many people as possible. They (the Legislators) should be able to do that. There is no point in talking too much, but I am going to do that which has never been done in Nigeria, I am going to start it.
Look, we have people will send to Assembly building 5 houses, buying endless lands and cars. If I use the money for even 1 house and change lives in other parts of Ebonyi state, is that not something? There is enough money for legislators to give joy to their constituencies and even extend a bit of that joy to others and still have enough to look after themselves and families. But a huge majority has decided to shamelessly corner all the money to themselves, which is quite sinfully unfortunate. Again I will mercilessly break that jinx.
Q: What is your message to Ebonyi state?
A: You have a daughter you can bank on. A major task on my hand will be to bring everyone closer. I dislike the idea of some feeling like they are more superior to the other in the state. I will not tolerate such and will put things in motion that will make such unacceptable. That will also bridge that gap. Use your positions in life to help others and not downgrade others. If you have a lot and others do not, then share with others. Respect others immensely, go out of your way to make others feel good. Humbling yourself to others will never take anything away from you. It will not make you less than you are. Your mansion will not disappear, it will still be there. The best thing you can do for humanity is use what you have to make life easier for others. And if you cannot give to others, at least respect their feelings. Do not walk around telling people DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM? No matter the provocation. Do not make others feel inferior. Make people around you feel good about themselves. I will promote this culture in Ebonyi state as a whole and believe me we will all benefit from it. Dear Ebonyi people, your daughter will not disappoint you.
Q: What else do you have to say to the people of Afikpo North East Constituency when you are elected?
MONUMENTAL CHANGE: Thank goodness that I have seen so much money in my 44 years of living. I have giving out more than I have kept. I cannot be hoodwinked by money. Money cannot enslave me. Rather I will continue to view money as a means to create joy for others. My people have seen me mega rich, medium rich, and very very broke, one thing was constant, my manners never changed. I remain the same. Too much money even makes me more humble. A MONUMENTAL CHANGE is coming to the land of my birth and beyond and I am honored to be the arrow head.
AFIKPO: I am known as Afikpo Chic and Nwanyi Afikpo. Afikpo is basically the most popular town name in online Nigeria today, thanks to the fact that I bear the name, being that, I'm one of the most followed in Nigerian FB. Some do not even know it is a town, they think it is a name of a person which is me. The great thing about this is that I cannot afford to do anything that will soil this name. I just cannot. I am going to do everything possible in this life to bring honor to that name, Afikpo. Whatever I have done wrong in the past is just what it is past. I will right any wrong I have ever done by being the best I can possibly be now and in the future. I will bring accolades and glory to that name, Afikpo. I will not do anything to will bring opprobrium to my sweet name of Afikpo.
TAXI: There was a time we took taxis to go from one place to another in Afikpo. That is about to start again. Get ready. YELLOW IS THE COLOR. Shhh.
ENVIRONMENTAL: There will be many in my payroll whose job will simply be to keep my constituency as clean as a whistle. Because cleanliness is next to godliness. A clean town brings joy and goodness to that town.
LIGHT: The horror of going up to one month without light in Ehugbo for one flimsy reason or another will be a thing of the past. Don't ask how I will do it, but it will be done. LET THERE BE LIGHT! Simple.
EMPOWERMENT 2015: Many will be empowered. Empowering people gives me an untold joy. I did it and still do it with my personal money and will do more with Government backing.
ONE THING: One thing I can authoritatively tell my people is this: You have only seen part one of the film called Maria of Afikpo, get ready for the part 2. It's gonna be a bumpy joy ride, do not blink, so as not to miss any moment. I know you think you know all I can do and will do, but I got a shocker for you: I WILL EXCEED ALL EXPECTATIONS.
This is your daughter and mother,

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