Tuesday 14 October 2014

Money works on me like a reflex action,I love only rich men – Sharon Francis

Sharon Francis is a starlet that has all the marks of a great star in the making. As a person in the make-believe world, Sharon is a bundle of tricks that get real just as soon as you begin to unravel the person within. She’s witty, smart, sexy and of course, takes no prisoners when it comes to baring her mind.As our star, the Anambra State-born actress, now studying psychology at Delta State University tells us what makes her tick:

How did you get into the business of acting?
Actually, I have been into acting from the age of six, not as a profession though but as something I practiced in front of my mirror (laughs). But the breakthrough came just three years ago, September 4th 2011; I’ll never forget that date. After so many auditions, I was pronounced perfect for a role in the movie Shattered Mirror starring Majid Michel and Nkem Owoh.

Since then, how has it been and how many films have you done to date?
It hasn’t been so rosy, I must say but  that big man up there has been faithful. My victories have been more than my defeats because till date I’ve done over 15 movies. That sounds few, right? But guess what? There isn’t a single movie of mine that has not been a blockbuster. I’ve starred in movies like Street of Canaan, Black Cats, Red Mafian and others.

What is special about Sharon? What will Sharon do as an actress that others wouldn’t dare?
You know,   I am an African woman and I’ve come to accept that my liberties are limited but if this wasn’t Africa, I am so going to be Rihanna! She’s a legend in a way that you have to grab a bit of her no matter how uptight you are. I live free; I snap a whole lot and have nothing to fake. I go to the cinema and hang out with whoever comes my way with fun because it makes life easier and keeps me younger. But career wise, I would like to say ‘respect’ to Angelina Jolie; an idol that compromises nothing. I would jump into a river with a hooked rope as far as its Nollywood. I would flaunt my sexuality in a way you can never hate. She gives me confidence and believe me, there’s a whole lot of spirituality attached to that kind of dedication

Which of your movies has been most stimulating experience to you and why?
Wow, I’ve shot some spectacular movies but the stimulating one is Matters Arising  which was shot in Enugu State, starring Majid Michel,  Ruth Kadiri and my humble self. I pledge allegiance to that movie because it contributed to my boost and confidence as an actress.The intriguing part was knowing that I     had to play Majid’s side chick that he was so in love with. This actor, being the best I have seen so far made me pull out the best of every rest and shooting with him was a big accomplishment. Pascal Amanfo who happens to be a friend and a director grabbed that opportunity to teach me very little secrets I needed as a weapon for stardom and it has been leading on quite well

How far can you go in interpreting a role? Is there what you cannot do as an actress?
The only thing I can’t do is going completely nude

How do you see injection of soft sex into Nollywood films; do you believe sex sells?

Sex sells in every career in the world. But coming to my own perspective,  it’s better to keep sexual actions on a low mode in movies because there are so many important messages to send to the world besides sex

But some have said soft porn injection into our sex scenes make them more real; what’s your take?

Soft porn in a movie like I said is needed. But the truth is that injection of it without limits makes it lose its meaning and vibe to the audience. Don’t get me wrong,  I’ve shot a scene bra-less in Nollywood. The more you lead them on with little of everything, the more they expect from you because a black man’s mentality is something you need to understand to pull it through in showbiz

The scene you shot bra-less, what were reactions like from fans and friends?

The movie Beach 24 is yet to be out and we’ll let the fans to patronise it as well as assess it.

What is the most embarrassing thing a guy ever did to you?

The most embarrassing thing a guy has ever done to me is actually the reason for my relentless determination. The guy said and I quote: “You flaunt and carry yourself like you are something when I need nobody to tell me that you are one of those official runs girls that will end up in an old man’s house”. I don’t want to shed light to what brought about that but that was the day I decided that it was success or nothing.

Wow, but it seems you love exposing your body, don’t you think it could be sending wrong signals about you?

One of my greatest assets happens to be my body and no celebrity could pull it through without consciously or unconsciously sending wrong signals. I love to flaunt what I have and as much as some might find it wrong, I’ll always make sure that I always do it in a way that would make at least…sixty percent of my fans see it as a turn-on.

What would you go for in a relationship; money or love, and why?

First and foremost,  I would like to render an apology to all the broke guys all around the world because heaven knows that I can’t be caught dead with a man that can’t get a Pierre-Cardin tuxedo for an emergency red carpet event. Then love, this is the most beautiful thing in the whole world and I would really feel accomplished if God gives me a man that loves me. Don’t get me wrong,  he doesn’t have to be a Dangote but he should be able to get me a surprise gift that would really get me ‘financially horny and emotional’ on my birthday.

Financially horny, what do you mean by that?

‘Financially horny’ in the sense that money works on me like a reflex action, especially when it comes with respect and reasons. A young successful man as a boyfriend could get a hot sex for buying me some massive karats of gold. In a nutshell, finance gets me emotional and horny.

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