Tuesday 14 October 2014

Migrants are being forced sell their organs to pay for being trafficked from Africa to Europe

An international human trafficking ring forced migrants to sell their organs as payment for their journey from Africa to Europe, an Italian police investigation has revealed.Five people have been arrested as part of the probe into the gang, which allegedly arranges the harvesting of kidneys and other organs of migrants arriving in Europe by boat.Italy, with its southern-most province Lampedusa just 80 miles from Africa, is the gateway for many seeking new lives in Europe. Almost 150,000 have made the journey so far in 2014. Around 3000 have died attempting the journey this year.SEE PHOTOS:

Uncertain journey: Five people have been arrested as part of the probe into the gang, which allegedly arranges the harvesting of kidneys and other organs of migrants arriving in Europe by boat
Uncertain journey: Five people have been arrested as part of the probe into the gang, which allegedly arranges the harvesting of kidneys and other organs of migrants arriving in Europe by boat
Unseaworthy: The group of Libyans and Eritreans allegedly demanded that asylum seekers pay €1,500 (£1,200) up front to board one of the often overcrowded and unseaworthy boats 

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