Wednesday 1 October 2014

A Must See video of Boko Haram members killed after attack in Konduga

No fewer than 9 attacks  has been carried out by the dreaded set Boko Haram on the town of Konduga, Borno State since September 12th, 2014. This video footage below shows the Boko Haram fatalities after one of the attacks. If you observe, many of the corpses look like those of kids, some of the Civilian JTF members (the guys with guns and RPG rounds walking around) also look like they are teens.
Here is the transcript:
Narrator: "Look at the (bodies) of the useless Boko Haram."
"So far I've counted 800+"...Read more..and watch the video below..
This same statement was acknowledged by another spectator from the background. He says: "this is the hand work of Nigerian soldiers."Continue...

Narrator continues: "Look at this one. A very small boy."
"Look at you," he says talking to the corpse.
"So young. You're carrying a gun. How old are you?
"Clumsy lad"
Another spectator indicates: "they have charms."
The narrator dismisses the observation, saying: "useless charms."
"Are they potent?"
He resumes addressing the bodies: "keep on ingesting drugs and you'll continue to die miserably."
This is followed by a foul curse by another spectator as indistinct conversation in a dialect (perhaps Kanuri) is heard
A spectator asks: "among them all do you think there is any responsible person?"
Some women chat, speaking in other dialect.
A spectator sights another cadaver in the undergrowth and draws attention to it.
A spectator picks up a bullet lying by the body
The abdomen of the body is covered with leaves.
And the person who picks the shell of the bullet remarks: "this one was shot. And his body was burnt."
Abrupt FADE OUT.
Vid ends

Watch the Video below...

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