Tuesday 14 October 2014

12yr-old boy sent out of classroom and forced to study in isolation because his shoes were not polished

A 12-year-old schoolboy is being forced to study alone at school because his shoes are not 'polishable'.Bradley Jewer has been taken out of regular lessons and now has to study in isolation because he is wearing the wrong footwear.His angry mother, Anne, said the move is damaging her son's education by preventing him from interacting with other children.Staff at Mayfield School in Portsmouth, Hampshire, have removed the year eight pupil from his classes because his black Converse shoes do not meet required standards.
Mrs Jewer, 32, said: 'Bradley wore these shoes all last year and nothing was said.'Before this school year started I asked him if his shoes still fit and he said "yes" and he doesn't mind wearing them.'But for some reason this year these shoes don't meet the standards. The shoes need to be "polishable", even though it was fine for him to wear them last year.'Mrs Jewer, a housewife, said that because her son has not changed his shoes, he is put into 'isolation'.The mother-of-four added: 'Bradley gets put into a classroom on his own and is given his work, which I don't think is right.'He is missing out on classroom interaction and it is not good for his learning. Sometimes I bring him back home because he's not learning anything sitting alone.'Ms Jewer said the family were offered a £20 voucher by the school to buy new shoes - but that the money needed to be paid back at a later date.A Mayfield School spokesman said: 'We require students to wear "polishable shoes" and have spoken with Mrs Jewer to try to resolve this.'Students falling short of our requirements are offered a temporary replacement, an emergency uniform pass or in cases where this is not possible, alternative provision is made for them.'Mayfield School believes a uniform plays a fundamental part in shaping the positive attitudes of our students and prepare them for work. Our dress code was established in September 2011 and has not changed.'

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