Monday 13 October 2014

10-Year-Old Boy Killed While Fighting For ISIS

Islamic State militants and its sympathisers are happily circulating images of a 10-year-old boy they claim has been 'martyred' with while fighting alongside his father in Syria.Described as ISIS' youngest jihadist, the boy is seen in some chilling photographs taken before his alleged death smiling at the camera, wearing military fatigues and brandishing a huge assault rifle.Daily Mail reports that ISIS sympathisers took to social media to identify the 'cub fighter' by his alleged nom de guerre Abu Ubaidah, adding that both he and his father were killed during clashes in Syria in recent weeks, but not specifying exactly where they died or who they had been fighting against.

Several images, which have not been independently verified, emerged on social media this week after a video reporting the deaths of the boy and his father was uploaded to YouTube in September.The original video - distributed by the pro-Isis media group Al-A'amaq - is understood to have since been removed, but a number of photographs of the boy have since been widely shared by ISIS militants and their sympathisers on social media.One image shows the boy standing inside a house, grinning as he struggles to hold an assault rifle so large that it threatens to topple him over.Another picture shows him smiling sweetly while wearing an ammunition vest as he stands next to a van that has been converted into an armoured vehicle with a large plank of wood and bull bars.Other images show him posing with a man understood to be his father, who militants named as 'Baghdadi'. In those images the boy identified as Abu Ubaidah is seen calmly holding another large rifle while surrounded by bearded men wearing military clothing.


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