Friday 5 September 2014

T.B JOSHUA Predicts Another Plane Crash

T.B. Joshua, a name quickly becoming known on an international scale due to his predictions has just released another one. On Sunday 31st August, 2014, during his church service which was broadcast live on his television station, Emmanuel TV, Joshua spoke of an imminent crash of a commercial plane in a region neighbouring or close to Ukraine/ Russia.joshua
Said the cleric, “A region they fight in everyday – Ukraine, Russia – that region. Commercial planes should not pass there. I am seeing a commercial plane crashing again. It will be full of passengers.
It will be in a neighbouring region. Commercial planes should take care and not pass there. The regions around, the neighbouring countries. It is imminent; it can happen any time. They should avoid the region.”This is not the first time this controversial ‘prophet’ has predicted concerning a plane crash in that region. On Sunday, February 16, 2014, he spoke about the nation Russia, calling them to take care of their air space and warning them against an attack in the form of a ‘plane crash’. “I was telling you about Russia; that they should be praying for the young man – a very charismatic leader.

 He should take note of his airspace. It could be in case of an aircraft crash. It will be connected to [Russia] just to rubbish the wonderful country.” On July 17, 2014 a Malaysian flight MH17 crashed over Ukraine, killing all 298 people on board and Russia was heavily implicated with Pro-Russian rebels blamed for shooting down the passenger plane.The infamous MH370 flight disappearance was also said to have been foretold by Joshua. A YouTube Video released from his ministry purports that during a July 28, 2013 sermon, Joshua had stated, “I am seeing a very big aircraft, it was just about to take off and fault started. It means, they could have discovered it on the tarmac but because of impatience… it’s going to be huge, almost 200 people inside.”Incidentally, also on 31st August, Joshua spoke
about the nation Poland, citing an internal crisis that will greatly affect the nation.

 He said, “The nation Poland – there will be crisis there. The crisis will start any moment from now. It will start in a funny way, it will start with internal crisis. What is the word 16?”Joshua has a history of releasing prophetic revelations to the international community. He says that he hears from God and is obliged to deliver the messages of warning to the countries concerned. While some radically support the cleric as a divine messenger, others dismiss the prophecies as vague and obsolete. Time will tell as to whether this particular prediction will come to pass or not.Joshua’s church, The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, based in Lagos, Nigeria and the area around it is said to be a hub of activity and a patent economic resource for the country as according to the recent statistics from the Nigerian Immigration Service six out of every ten foreignnationals visiting Nigeria are bound for The SCOAN. He has a million plus followers on facebook and his TV station, Emmanuel TV, is said to be attracting huge numbers of viewers, especially in Africa.

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